The most recent contribution to the library significantly broadens and enhances our understanding of the Dominican Republic's history and society throughout various periods.
Prof. Michiel Baud, a retired faculty member of the Department of Latin American Studies at the University of Amsterdam and former Director of CEDLA (Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation) from 2000 until 2018, his research focused on the Dominican Republic, southern Ecuador, and northern Brazil.
Dr. Baud obtained the books from the private collection of his PhD mentor, Harry Hoetink (1931-2005), an influential figure among the initial cohort of post-World War II scholars. Hoetink was instrumental in redefining perceptions of race and color within the broader Caribbean context[1]. Hoetnik is remembered for his seminal work The Dominican People 1850-1900: Notes for a Historical Sociology, initially published in Spanish in 1971[2]. Additionally, Hoetink was married to Ligial Espinal, the daughter of Andrés Julio Espinal, who served as the ambassador/consul of the Dominican Republic in Curaçao during the Trujillo era. Ligial's connections facilitated Hoetink's introduction to Dominican society and enriched his research on the Dominican Republic[3].
The following is a list of donated books from the collection:
- Al amor del bohio: tradiciones y costumbres dominicanas, tomo 1" (V. Montalvo, 1927)
- "Al amor del bohio: tradiciones y costumbres dominicanas, tomo 2" (Editora La Información, 1929)
- "Estados Unidos y las Antillas" (Compañía ibero-americana de publicaciones, 1931)
- "Camino real, cuentos" (Imprenta. "El progreso," R.A. Ramos, 1933)
- "Episodios dominicanos: la independencia efímera" (Fernand Sarlot, 1938)
- "Cosas anejas; tradiciones y episodios dominicano" (Ciudad Trujillo, 1951)
- "El tratado de Basilea y la desnacionalización del Santo Domingo Español" (Ciudad Trujillo, 1952)
- "La canción folklórica en Santo Domingo" (Sociedad Folklórica Dominicana, 1958)
- "Trujillo: causas de una tiranía sin ejemplo" (Libreria Las Novedades, 1959)
- "Santiago: Quien te vio y quien te ve" (Impresora commercial, 1961)
- "Del Puerto Plata de ayer" (Editora del Caribe, 1963)
- "Crisis de la democracia de América en la República Dominicana" (Centro de Estudios y Documentación Sociales, A.C., 1964)
- "La Misericordia y sus contornos, 1894-1916" (Editorial Arte y Cine, 1967)
- "Hostos Y Su Ideal De Una Confederación Antillana" (Editora del Caribe, 1970)
- "Memorias para un capítulo de la historia domínico-haitiana una revolución frustrada y un presidente vitalicio" (Santo Domingo, 1976)
- "Encuentro en Santo Domingo" (Santo Domingo, 1980)
Additionally, Dr. Baud has donated the English-language version of his book Peasants and tobacco in the Dominican Republic, 1870-1930 (University of Tennessee Press, 1995) and Confianza: Governance and Trust in Latin America and the Netherlands (University of Amsterdam, CEDLA, 2018).
Dr. Baud's authored books donated to the library.
This generous donation enriches CUNY DSI's collection of primary and secondary sources on the history and society of the Dominican Republic, bridging a notable gap in our collection. On behalf of the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library, we eagerly anticipate the immense value this contribution will offer students, scholars, and the public interested in Dominican Studies for many years to come.
By Jhensen Ortiz, Librarian
[1] Oostindie, Gert. “IN MEMORY OF HARMANNUS HOETINK 1931-2005.” NWIG: New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, vol. 79, no. 1/2, 2005, pp. 5.
[2] Baud, Michiel. "Harry Hoetink, 1931-2005." Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, no. 78, 2005, pp. 6.
[3]Maingot, Anthony P. "Harry Hoetink, 1931-2005." The Journal of Caribbean History, vol. 39, no. 2, 2005, pp. 137-138.