Collaborations between libraries are essential to keep them afloat. One clear example of that is our own Dominican Library which relies on kind donations from friends, researchers and students throughout the world. Recently, we received a unique donation of publications from Columbia University in New York City.
We thank Columbia University Librarian Sean Knowlton from the Latin American and Iberian Studies who is following the footsteps of our esteemed friend and colleague Pamela Graham by donating the following out of print books to our library:
Antología de la literatura dominicana. Tomo II (Prosa). Ciudad Trujillo, República Dominicana: Edición del Gobierno Dominicano, 1944. This anthology published to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Dominican Republic in 1844 covers prose works of both literary and political nature written by some of well-known 19th and early 20th century Dominican writers.
Pérez De Tudela Bueso, Juan, ed. Biblioteca de autores españoles: obras escogidas de Fray Bartolomé de las Casas. (Tomos CX, CVI). Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Españoles, 1958. These selected works volume published in Spain carries Fray Bartolomé de las Casas’s “Apologética historia”. The publication includes an Index.
Trujillo, Rafael L. Discursos, mensajes y proclamas. (V. II, IV-V, X) 1946-1951. Santiago, República Dominicana: Editorial El Diario, 1946. This is a compilation of speeches, proclamations and official letters by Dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo produced during the years 1934 to 1951.
Trujillo, Rafael L. Discursos, mensajes y proclamas. Madrid: Ediciones Acies, 1957. This is a compilation of speeches, proclamations and letters by Dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo dating back to the years 1952 to 1957.
Objio, Manuel Rodríguez. Gregorio Luperón e historia de la restauración. Santiago, República Dominicana: Editorial El Diario, 1939. This book highlights the pivotal role of black Dominican general and intellectual Gregorio Luperón in the War of Restoration (1863-1865) against the Spanish Crown.
Danin Lobo, Luis Carlos. Introducción al estudio de organización y métodos. Santo Domingo: Publicaciones ONAP, 1970. Written by Brazilian professor Luis Carlos Danin, this is a theoretical manual employed by the Dominican government to train administrative staff in the 1970s.
Peña Batlle, Manuel Arturo. La isla de la tortuga. Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, 1951. In this book, prominent Trujillist intellectual Manuel Arturo Peña Batlle argues that piracy played a decisive role on the further economic decline of the Spanish colony of Santo Domingo. It has a prologue by Manuel Aznar, Spanish ambassador to the Dominican Republic at the time. The book includes a black and white 1750 map in French by Sr. Robert.
Rodríguez Demorizi, Emilio. Martí en Santo Domingo. La Habana: Impresores Ucar Garcia, 1953. This is a seminal research book by a Dominican author on the historic visit to the Dominican Republic by Cuban revolutionary leader, national hero and writer José Martí. It includes black and white photographs and an index.
Troncoso de la Concha, M. de J. Narraciones dominicanas. Santiago, República Dominicana: Editorial El Diario, 1946. This is a compilation of historical essays written by a Manuel de Jesús Ulpiano Troncoso de la Concha (1878 – 1955) who occupied several posts during the Trujillo dictatorship the most important of them as puppet president from 1940 to 1942.
Rodríguez Demorizi, Emilio. Seudónimos dominicanos. Ciudad Trujillo, República Dominicana: Editora Montalvo, 1956. This is a historical research on pseudonyms used by 19th and early 20th century Dominican writers, artists, musicians, picturesque characters, politicians, professionals, military heroes and businessmen. The publication includes an Index.
Amaury Rodríguez
Library Research Assistant