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José Miguel de la Rosa donates his play La loca de la estación Central to DSI

Professor Sarah Aponte would like to thank José Miguel de la Rosa for donating his play La loca de la estación Central at the 6th Annual Hispanic/Latino Book Fair of New York.

Dela rosa054-1
La loca de la estación Central (Mexico City: miCielo ediciones, 2010) is a play by José Miguel de la Rosa that takes place in Grand Central Station in New York. De la Rosa sets the stage for La Loca, literally the crazy woman, to tell her back story. She speaks to the other characters with little to no interruptions. Her parts are lengthy and in them she plays the role of multiple characters, including a younger her, that play an important role in her past, which in turn affects her view of the present. This method of storytelling by the author creates a sort of play within a play, only that the crazy woman’s play suffers being interrupted by characters and the events going on in the present instead of stage directions. José Miguel de la Rosa gives us acts within acts and this intertwined text that starts off as a secondary narrative becomes the main narrative that dictates when the play ends.

The presentation of the package should also be noted. It contains La loca de la estación Central printed in a notepad as well as a packed-in hand puppet of a woman, most likely representing la Loca, which can be used to act out the dialogue in the play.  

Both items represent a new and fun way of interaction between the play and those reading and/or listening to the play.

Once again thanks to José Miguel de la Rosa for making La loca de la estación Central part of the collection at the Dominican Studies Institute.

This work is recommended for those interested in contemporary dramas, Dominican dramas and/or authors, and José Miguel de la Rosa.

Antonio Perez, Library Intern


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