A Gift of Legacy: Julia Álvarez's Donation of a Rare Second Edition of Poesías by Salomé Ureña
Welcome to our first blog post of 2024, where we celebrate a heartwarming act of generosity by acclaimed Dominican-American author Julia Álvarez. Álvarez, known for her captivating storytelling and insightful exploration of the country’s historical and cultural themes, recently donated a rare second edition copy of Poesías by Salomé Ureña de Henríquez (1850-97) poet and educator to the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (CUNY DSI) Library, enriching its collection and honoring the legacy of Dominican literature.
Donating a rare second edition copy of Poesías holds significant meaning for Álvarez. She received this precious volume as a gift from the renowned Cuban intellectual and literary critic Ricardo Repilado (1916-2003) during her visit to Cuba in 1997. This personal connection speaks to the bonds that transcend geographical and cultural boundaries and reflects the interconnectedness of the literary world[1].
The donation of Poesías is not just a literary contribution, but also a personal testament to the profound impact of Salomé Ureña's work on Álvarez. This second edition serves as a reference and inspiration for her novel In the Name of Salomé, published in 2002. In this masterful blend of historical fiction and poetic imagination, Álvarez brings to life the captivating story of Salomé Ureña and her daughter Camila Henríquez Ureña (1894-1973), who grew up in exile.
Inside the book, Álvarez preserved a republished magazine cutout featuring Salomé’s poignant poem "Umbral (A mi esposo)" alongside four original stamps commemorating the 100th anniversary of Salomé's death in 1997. This act not only enriches the library's collection but also adds layers of personal and historical connection to the literary artifact.
Republished magazine cut out of Salome’s poem Umbral (A mi eposo) originally written in April of 1894[1].
[1] Ureña de Henríquez, Salomé. Poesías Completas. Santo Domingo: Secretaría de Estado de Educación, Bellas Artes y Cultos, 1975, 185, https://issuu.com/librosdominicanosenpdf/docs/salom__ure_a_de_henr_quez_-_poes_as
. Accessed 19 April 2024.
Commemorative stamp to honor 100th year anniversary of Salomé Ureña’s death on March 6, 1997 issued by Instituto Postal Dominicano[1].
[1] "Centenario muerte Salomé Ureña." Sellos Dominicanos, March of 1997, https://sellosdominicanos.blogspot.com/1997/03/centenario-muerte-salome-urena.html
.Accessed 19 April 2024.Álvarez's donation not only honors Salomé's legacy but also symbolizes the cyclical nature of literary inspiration. Just as Ureña's poetry influenced Álvarez's novel, this rare edition of her work will inspire future generations of scholars, writers, and readers at the CUNY DSI Library.
Thank you again, Julia, for your donation and for reminding us of the power of literature to connect us across time and space.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates and donations in our upcoming blog posts. Happy reading, and may your literary journeys be filled with discovery and inspiration!
By Jhensen Ortiz, Librarian
[1] This edition of Salomé verses was published in 1920. It has a prologue, without signature, written by her son, Dr. Pedro Henríquez Ureña. It omits the poem “Anacaona” and nine compositions from the 1880 first edition. See Silveria R. de Rodríguez Demorizi. Salomé Ureña de Henríquez. Buenos Aires: Imprenta López, 1944, 9,
http://www.cielonaranja.com/salome-bio.pdf. Accessed 19 April 2024.