
Décimas: Antigua poesía, nuevas historias

El 9 de diciembre el Instituto de Estudios Dominicanos (CUNY Dominican Studies Institute) tuvo el placer de recibir a la cantautora puertorriqueña Raquel Z. Rivera, el poeta dominicano y repentista Dagoberto López, y el guitarrista dominicano Yasser Tejeda. Anabellie Rivera nos deleitó con hermosos boleros clásicos. Esta charla fue un éxito donde  el público aprendió de la historia de la décima en la República Dominicana  y Puerto Rico. Interacciones con géneros musicales como la bachata y la jíbara fueron una experiencia educativa para los que estaban presentes. La bibliotecaria Sarah Aponte agradece a Raquel Z. Rivera, Yasser Tejeda, y Dagoberto López por las generosas donaciones: Yasser Tejeda & Palotre Mezclansa: AfroDominican Jazz (CD), Las 7salves de la Magdalena (CD)y Cuatro bardos y una pasión (libro).



 Mezclansa: AfroDominican Jazz. Producido por Yasser Tejeda. Kiu Studios, República Dominicana. 2009. Español, 63 mins and 3 secs.

Este álbum de 10 canciones es una mezcla musical que utiliza el merengue como base para crear arreglos ingeniosos. Más allá de una fusión de géneros, el grupo incorpora otra dimensión creativa con nichos de ritmos como el reggae, el rock, y los palos. Este proyecto también tiene elementos afro-dominicanos y de la música jazz que se prestan a excelentes improvisaciones  como en la canción “Mezclansa”. Yasser y Palotre tienen un enfoque estético que es muy interesante y han hecho una contribución de mucho peso a la música dominicana.


Las 7 salves de la Magdalena. Producidopor Raquel Z. Rivera, Desmar Guevara y Alejandro Negrón. Taller Sicá Studio, New York, N.Y. 2010. Español, 27 mins and 57 secs.

Siete canciones componen este trabajo, mezcla de música jíbara puertorriqueña, salves dominicanas, bomba y otros ritmos caribeños. El CD está dedicado a María Magdalena, Rivera describe como: "socia y compañera de andanzas del Jesús histórico.” El álbum va más allá  de las raíces culturales; Raquel conmueve a los oyentes con su feminidad y la espiritualidad en cada canción. La producción contó con los extraordinarios músicos de “Ojos de Sofía” (Guitarristas y cuatristas: Bryan Vargas y Alejandro Negrón; Pianista: Desmar Guevara, Guitarrista: Yasser Tejeda; Vocalistas: Catarina Dos Santos y Sandra García Rivera; Bajistas: Juan Carlos Acosta; Percusión: Obanilú Iré Allende Solana, Joan D’león-Metz, Juan Gutiérrez y Abrahám Encarnación.



Cuatro bardos y una pasión. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: Editora Búho, 2013. Print.


Este libro es una combinación de voces unidas donde los autores Eduard Encina (Cuba), Alejandro Fonseca (Cuba), César Sánchez Beras (República Dominicana), Bismar Galán (Cubano-dominicano) dan un demonstración  de la vitalidad de la décima en el siglo XXI. La obra contiene diversos temas  como la amistad, el amor, la naturaleza y los problemas sociales. Los autores representan la continuidad de500 años de la tradición oral con rimas que rompen las reglas y la tradición y que contribuyen nuevas formas del verso.La pasión por la décima es evidente entre estos autores que comparten la nueva libertad de esta expresión. El libro es un recurso para estudiantes, investigadores y nuestros usuarios interesados en la décima, la música popular, la musicología, la tradición oral de la época colonial así como las similitudes que comparten las islas del Caribe de habla hispana.





Jhensen Ortiz

Library Intern



Prof. Sarah Aponte would like to thank VICINI for donating this magnificent publication. Images from the book Identity and Magic: Folk Dances of the Dominican Republic will be on view from May 17 to August 17. The opening reception will feature the well-known Dominican folklorist Dagoberto Tejeda Ortiz and will be held on Friday May, 17th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Admission to the reception is free and open to the public: please register at

Identidad y magia: bailes folklóricos de la República Dominicana / Identity and Magic: Folk Dances of the Dominican Republic. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: Vicini, 2012.

Identidad y Magia

This beautiful coffee table book recounts the history and evolution of folkloric dances in the Dominican Republic. The book was written by Dagoberto Tejeda Ortiz, a well-known researcher who has dedicated many pages to investigating the subject.  (Many of his books are available at DSI for perusal). It narrates the story of the Dominican Republic’s folk dances through multimedia: writing, photography, illustration and a documentary video. This combination provides a great, interdisciplinary overview of dances and themes examined in each chapter.

Identity and Magic Folk Dances of the Dominican Republic is an important resource for researchers, students, dancers, musicologists, ethnographers, musicians and the general public interested in Dominican folkloric traditions, dances, and history.  It is a comprehensive text that seeks to spread, share and promote the essence of folk dances and culture in the Dominican Republic.

Jhensen Ortiz, Library Intern

Donaciones recibidas durante la Feria del Libro de Escritoras Dominicanas

Irkamateo010 Andanzaspoeticas008 AndanzaspoeticasCD009 Arcoirisdeinocencia013 Atrapadoenlanoche007








Doscaminos016 Entredosmundos014 Lasituddelvuelo017 PUROSCUENTOS019 Raquel015








































La Profesora Sarah Aponte agradece a las escritoras/res y  artistas que donaron los siguientes poemarios, novelas, cuentos, materiales musicales y de declamación poética a la Biblioteca Dominicana durante la celebración de la 9na Feria Internacional del Libro de Escritoras Dominicanas en los Estados Unidos la cual tuvo lugar del 23 al 25 de marzo, 2012 en Washington Heights. La feria brilló por su esmerada organización a cargo de la poeta Karina Rieke y la calidad artística que se dio cita durante ese fin de semana en honor a la producción artística e intelectual de la mujer. A continuación presentamos los nombres de cada donante seguido de los libros y discos compactos de su autoría los cuales estamos muy orgullosos de dar a conocer a investigadores, estudiantes,  amantes de la literatura y de la música folklórica dominicana así como al público general.

Irka Mateo: Anacaona. Irka Mateo/Socan: 2009.

Dinorah Coronado: Dos caminos. Miami, Florida: MediaIsla, 2010; Raquel. Santo Domingo: Editorial Santuario, 2011; Entre mundos. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: Editorial Mente, 2003; Cuentos encantados. Puerto Plata, República Dominicana, 2010; Declamación poética (disco compacto y poemario)  en colaboración con Yanela Hernández: Andazas poéticas.

Ana Isabel Saillant Valerio: Despierten las Aves. Charleston, West Virginia: Obsidiana Press: 2012.

Elsa Batista Pimentel: Lasitud del vuelo. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: 2011.

Gladys María Montolio: Arcoíris de la inocencia. Miami, Florida: 2011.

Rafael Agustín Reyes Mendez: De Santo Domingo a New York: Puros cuentos. Charleston, West Virginia: Obsidiana Press, 2010.

Juan Nicolás Tineo: Atrapado en la noche (poema/rio). Nueva York: Editorial El Barco Ebrio, 2011.


Amaury Rodriguez, Asistente de Investigación


CUNY DSI Chief Librarian Sarah Aponte Honored at Women’s Book Fair for her Outstanding Work


The ninth annual International Dominican Women Writers’ Book Fair in the United States which took place during the month of March (23rd –25th), was dedicated to four women for their pioneering contributions to the dissemination of Dominican literature, culture and history in the Unites States and beyond. The Dominican Library at the City University of New York Dominican Studies Institute is proud to announce that Chief Librarian Sarah Aponte was among those who received various awards during the opening ceremony held at La Isabella nursing home auditorium in Washington Heights, which is home to a large and vibrant Dominican community. Among the honorees were poet and cultural activist Osiris Mosquea, educator and administrator Ana Isabel García, and renowned researcher Mary Ely Gratereaux.  Every year, since 2003, the International Dominican Women Writers’ Book Fair highlights the literary and intellectual production of Dominican and Latino women in the United States. This year’s book fair, which joins International Women’s Day celebrations throughout the US, had as its motto “Leyendo Escribimos Nuestras Vidas” [By reading we tell our lives].

In a well-organized event full of surprises, the book fair recognized the pioneering work of Chief Librarian and Assistant Professor Sarah Aponte among others. The book fair, which is rapidly becoming the premier literary gathering of Dominican women poets and writers in the US, was sponsored by Dominican Women’s Development Center, Comisionado Dominicano de Cultura, City University of New York, Cayena Publications, Hostos Community College, and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE). Approximately 300 people attended the opening ceremony which included special guests from Venezuela, Haiti, Romania and the United States. The event was accompanied by an imaginative, and rather poignant, poetry slam recital by Sussy Santana; and two lively musical performances by Smithsonian folklore and popular music researcher and musician Irka Mateo, as well as singer Cynthia Cruz who wooed the audience with her love songs and grace.

This cultural gathering organized by poet and educator Karina Rieke produced 20 panels and workshops beginning Saturday morning through Sunday evening. This year’s book fair paid homage to Dominican female poets including the honored poet Mosquea and researcher and film producer Gratereaux, City College alumnus Kianny Antigua and Yrene Santos. Furthermore, several male poets and literary critics were invited to participate in the event. During the closing moments of the three-day affair, Rosita Romero, Executive Director of the Dominican Women’s Development Center, acknowledged the large participation of men – both as panelists and audience members – thus proving that not only women, but men too support this important endeavor. According to Romero: “I believe that it is a wonderful thing that on a Saturday morning, when most women are at home washing clothes and doing other household chores, we all decided to unite and read poetry.” She continued, “The idea of having many people congregate in one place to see the fruit of the labor produced by many prolific women is a great feeling…we should be proud of these women who inspire us.”

Renowned pedagogues from different parts of the United States, the Dominican Republic, and other countries participated in the fair. Syracuse Professor Silvio Torres-Saillant, founding director of the Dominican Studies Institute and long-time professor at the City University of New York, presented his exclusive panel, “Notes on the Female Literature in the United States.” New books such as Lourdes Batista’s En la soledad de mi camaSolitud in My Bed, which will be launched in English on Saturday, March 31 at Columbia University – were presented at the fair. Also, Mary Ely-Gratereaux’s documentary El rostro detrás de las muñecas [The Face behind the Dolls] was premiered and became an instant hit with audience members. This particular documentary recounts the story of Dominican migrant women who have between ten and thirty years working at the Madame Alexander Doll Company crafting dolls as artists, seamstresses, and stylists, among other things.

In recent years, the field of Dominican studies in the United States has experienced some significant growth. It is important to keep in mind, however, that more than a decade ago, scholars and students in the US interested in the field faced many difficulties at a time when first rate scholarly work was available in English. Nevertheless, a clear and concise conceptualization of this area of study has come into fruition over the years. In 1994, Professor Aponte founded the Dominican Library with donations of bibliographical materials from the Council of Dominican Educators and other community members. The Dominican Library has come a long way ever since. The fact that ample bibliographical material has been catalogued and made available to the public since 1994 indicates the central role librarians play in disseminating knowledge and serving the community. In that regard, Professor Aponte’s unique work, insight and vision have been instrumental in spearheading this effort alongside others such as Dr. Ramona Hernández and Dr. Silvio Torres- Saillant. During her research visits to major archives and libraries in the US and abroad, Professor Aponte managed to uncover important bibliographical contributions that, in one way or another, are paving the way for other researchers and scholars to further advance the study of the Dominican community in the US.

Professor Aponte’s effort in disseminating knowledge about Dominicans in the US is an ongoing project: on a number of occasions, she has given lectures on librarianship while sharing her own experience as the first and only librarian specializing in the study of Dominicans in the US. She also conducts workshops at the Dominican Library attended by early childhood and secondary education public school students and teachers, and collaborates with published authors and writes articles for academic journals. Her most recent publication is “Dominican Related Dissertations in the U.S.: an Analytical Approach (1939-2009),” published in Camino Real (2011), the journal of the Instituto Franklin of the University of Alcalá, Spain. A resident of New York State since 1989, Professor Aponte is known to researchers, authors, students and staff for her kind hospitality and keen eye for detail and academic professionalism. This is one of the reasons why her doors are always open to researchers and students who attend CUNY and other universities located in the tri-state area as well as throughout the United States and other countries. Last Friday, her contribution to the preservation and dissemination of Dominican literature and social history alongside her commitment to academic objectivity received much praise when she received six awards including one from the book fair committee, three New York City Citations from Senator Adriano Espaillat, Assemblyman Nelson Castro and Assemblyman Guillermo Linares, and a New York City Proclamation from Council Member Ydanis Rodríguez which reads in part as follows:

Whereas: In celebration of Women’s History Month, Ydanis Rodriguez Council Member of the 10th District, is proud to honor Sarah Aponte, the Assistant Professor and Chief Librarian at CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library, for the outstanding achievements; and  […]

Be it Known: That Ydanis Rodriguez, Council Member of the 10th District, gracefully honors Sarah Aponte for her inspirational work and contribution to Dominican Studies.


Nelson Santana (Assistant Librarian) and Amaury Rodriguez (Library Research Assistant)

2012-03-23_21-01-21_436From left to right: Carlos Sánches (Comisionado Dominicano de Cultura), Karina Rieke, Mary Ely Gratereaux, Osiris Mosquea, Irka Mateo, Ana I. García Reyes, Sarah Aponte

Donaciones recibidas durante la V Feria del Libro Dominicano en Nueva York

El público que asistió a la V Feria del Libro Dominicano en Nueva York organizada por el Comisionado Dominicano (7-9 de Octubre, 2011) en Boricua College tuvo la oportunidad de conocer las últimas novedades literarias producidas por autores dominicanos que hicieron presencia en este evento anual. 

Nuestro más profundo agradecimiento a los escritores Yloven Abreu y Christian Paniagua por la gentil donación de los siguientes libros:

Mentir por amor262Abreu, YloNaci para ser amada260ven. Mentir por amor. Nueva York: Kenlib, 2011. Secretos familiares, engaños e intrigas se dan cita en esta novela.

Abreu, Yloven. Nací para ser amada. Nueva York: Kenlib, 2011. La búsqueda del amor lleva a una valiente mujer a transitar un valle de espinas que solo la perseverancia y la determinación le harán superar.



Parrillada de Burgueses259


Paniagua, Christian. Parrillada de burgueses. Colombia; México; Nueva York: Cigua editores, 2011. El incendio del Hotel Dupont Plaza en Puerto Rico en 1987 sirve como telón de fondo de esta inusual y bien lograda novela que sale de los parámetros de la novela tradicional dominicana.



Amaury Rodríguez

Asistente de Investigación en la Biblioteca

Join Us in Celebrating the Donation of Orgullo de mi Tierra materials to our CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library







Please join us on Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. to celebrate the donation by Centro Cuesta Nacional (CCN) of the entire set of books and videos of Orgullo de mi Tierra, an ambitious CCN project launched in 2009 to document each year a province or region of the Dominican Republic through documentaries, books, photography, murals, and other educational materials. The series began with the province of Samaná, and this year continues with Barahona and Pedernales. (CCN is the Dominican Republic's largest and most diversified retailer, parent company of Libreria Cuesta, the country’s largest bookstore, among other brands.)

We are deeply grateful to CCN for this wonderful addition to our Dominican Library’s collection, and for hosting the reception on September 22 to which they invite all of you our friends and supporters (their invitation below). If you plan to attend, please let us know. You can register by clicking here, or by phone to 212.650.7170.